Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Is Shawbooya a word?

Yours truly just landed a $15 Million contract last night. No details yet due to the fact that I would rather not jinx anything. But I am starting to bid farewell to my 9-5, making ends barely meet, watching mall-walking, listening to the same four hour music track-ing, come home and collapse for three hours and get up and do-it-again...life.

New checklist

1) Debt. Gone.
2) Cable? Yes. I shall not miss another sporting event unless someone is dying...or being born
3) Wife? New shoes.
4) Disneyland.


chelsea said...

That is awesome! I will keep sending positive vibes up your way! So good to see you this weekend! So glad you are in our family!

Leann Nelson said...

I think if Shawbooya isn't a word it should be now with that great news!! That is so great!!