Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taking their Lunch Money

Yesterday a big decision came down from the courts on Prop 8. I have taken a day and tried to absorb everything and read everyone's opinion and idea on the situation. Most people who read this already know my position on Prop 8. The rest don't care. Interestingly enough, my problem with yesterday's ruling has absolutely nothing to do with my position on Gay Marriage.

The problem I have with yesterday's ruling is the voice of the loud overcame the voice of the majority. The majority of Californians were over shouted by those who don't believe in the same ideals or practices. But it was more than that; they were ridiculed, they were protested and they were intimidated. One side bullied another and now smugly celebrates a constitutional victory.

There is nothing constitutional about mudslinging, negative propaganda or bullying church goers as they enter in or leave their place of worship. There is nothing constitutional about using Hollywood to make another individual feel dumb because of what they believe. There is nothing constitutional about hating another man because of what they believe. And that is what this is become.

I also don't buy the argument of those who draw parallels between today and the equality movements of the sixties. Tell you what, when churches start lynching homosexuals - then you can threaten to pull their 'tax exemption' status. When people are dying, then you can call them haters, right-wing nut jobs and bigots.

The bigger issue at hand is that Prop 8 is no longer about ideals, or even ideas. It is no longer about the left and the right coming together to discuss ways to make America better for everyone. Its not about standing with your brother and learning about him and working with him. It's about name calling, venom spewing hate and a contest to see who can sound smarter and cooler in front of a crowd.

Yesterday was not a victory, regardless of what side of the issue you come down on. Yesterday just proved that bullies still exists and the school yard mob mentality stills runs the world well after graduation. All we got was a guaranteed long-term fight, a polarized country and absolutely no one willing to work together.

Our fathers would be proud.


Leann Nelson said...

Very well said! I hadn't thought of it in that same way. Glad you could share a new light.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but did you even pay attention to anything that was happening BEFORE prop 8? You're only complaining about the "loud overcoming the majority" and "bullying" because you were on the losing side this time. For years conservatives have been running around picketing gay soldiers funerals and holding up signs that say God hates fags, and generally making giant. And then they got their way. Now the other side fights fire with fire, and you complain about it?

Unknown said...

This is true, at it is obvious that I have used recent events to make my point. So lets just take a step back - using only the anonymous comments to prove my point: "You're only were on the losing side..."

You don't know what side I am on, or what I wish to see happen with this legislation - other than I have spoken out against the hate between both sides. But you are labeling me and deciding that my comments are not important based on what you perceive.

On the other hand, thanks for speaking up. It's nice to hear things other than praise every now and then.

Finally, a question for you, anonymous poster; how do we co-exist? What can be done to keep these two extremes (right and left) from tearing our culture apart?