Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Surely there are more important things to talk about.

In all sincerity, and after doing all due diligence on my own before writing this post (which should translate into: With all the sarcasm I posses and at the pinnacle of my frustration...), I ask any and all, What good ever came from whining? What grand thing has anyone ever accomplished in life due to your "piss and moan" fest? When reading history books, where was the chapter that explained "Abraham Lincoln owes most of his success to the global response to his whining."

Dear one and all,

I apologize for the fact that your life sucks. But I am more sorry I have to hear about it. I feel bad that nothing seems to go your way, I have been there. In fact, I have done my fair share of whining let me give you some advice from experience: Unless you are writing a Dashboard Confessional song, nobody wants to hear about it.

Man up, dig your heels in and fix the aspects of your life that you don't like. Friends got you down? Get new friends. Marriage sucks? Counseling. Work sucks? Quit. And for the love of all that is good in this world - shut up! Unless you are actually trying to work through your problems, talking about them will only bring everyone else down.

That being said. If you need a sounding board to help you determine a course of action to better the situation your in, find a wise friend who is blunt and impartial and ask for advise. If you don't have one, I am more than happy to help.


MR (On behalf of everyone who is tired of having to sit through your rants)

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