Well for the moment, time has seemed to slow down. It is a very interesting experience in life that I was not really prepared for. Life was moving faster than ever before, with more and more stress piling on.
Then out of absolutely nowhere, my little girl was born.
Okay not out of nowhere, but describing where she came from would not be poetic, it was gross! But all of a sudden I find myself sitting in a hospital room with absolutely no sense of time or place - just a little girl who likes to look back into my eyes when I hold her.
Her name is Tessa. She is perfect. She is also pretty darn cute - and I am fairly crtain she's gifted. I mean, I'm not sure; at the moment I'm the guy who can't tell time, but yeah-she's gifted. Tessa was born at 8:35pm on September 14. She weighed in at 6lbs and 6oz and measured at 17 3/4 inches. We are certain that she has inherited her mother's distaste for hospitals and her father's ability to loudly voice her opinion.
And she's gifted.
And she is loved! Not only by her wonderful parents but by us family members that look forward to the moment we can hold and admire her!
Can't wait to meet her!! So excited for you guys!
Congrats again! Beautiful name.
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