I have heard more partisan whining in the last two days about Obamacare and the apocalyptic ramifications to follow such a horrifying law being signed and I have decided to put in two cents, at least.
First, at least the White House has finally done something they said they would. I have waited for action and now I have seen something come of it. Remarkably, something was accomplished with a stubborn, almost childish minority that has roadblocked everything they could get their hands on.
Second, is this really going to be the end of the world, really? I understand why conservatives are afraid of the government controlling too much. In most cases I agree with them. But The White House set out to give 45 Million people insurance. 1) It looks like their only going to get about 32M of them so the analysis of the Government controlling everyone is a little overstated and 2) the people whining about this already have insurance, so what's the big deal? The world is going to hell in a hand basket, but I don't think it is because big, bad Obama and his socialist health care law of death is what's driving us there.
Two more cents:
What is driving us there is the utter hatred men have for their own kind; Ignorance and Want....hmmm where have I heard that before (your mind-bender for the day)? Men are ignorant to the people around them, their lives and backgrounds and they want something from them without learning about them. Thus spring forth a hatred that cannot be cured by law or Executive Order.
In my opinion, the only thing that will save this country is a quality education for every soul on this earth, a sound understanding and tolerance of one another....and a possible swift back hand to the next person who whines about this country but isn't man enough to get his butt of the couch and do something as simple as vote.
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