Monday, June 15, 2009

A matter of perspective

I have always taken an interest in the way people act towards others when nobody else is looking. As the old cliche says, "A true test of a man is how he acts when he thinks no one else is watching."

Yesterday I had this thought: I am a very religious person; I believe in God, and I believe there are responsibilities connected with my beliefs. Because of my beliefs, I often find myself trying to become a better person, but not always because I want to be, because I do not want to offend the God that is always watching.

Now I have met a number of different people throughout my life who had no belief in God, or any other Supreme being, who were genuinely good people; in or out of the gaze of others. They did not believe that someone or something greater than them was watching over their actions, yet they were good to all those around them anyway; for no other reason than to just simply "treat others as you...."

You know the cliche, but some people just know how to live it, regardless of who is watching.

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