Monday, June 28, 2010

New Look.

No new reason for the new look. Saw the picture, liked the picture. I have been looking for a new look for a while now, clouds seemed nice. There you have it.

Friday, June 25, 2010

We're never gonna survive, unless...

You really have to be nuts to survive in days like this. With the economy giving more mixed signals than hormonal women, politics making less and less sense (which only makes politicians scream louder and louder) and people becoming more agitated and less patient with each other every single day; the only possible way to succeed - or even enjoy life a little, is to be undeniably, un-apologetically crazy.

Point #1 - When you are nuts, the laws of politically correct go out the window. Forcing yourself to be politically correct all the time is enough stress to give someone an Aneurysm, I mean, a is a localized, blood-filled dilation caused by disease or weakening of the vessel wall, not stress. Being nuts would allow us to speak what we think and what we want. Now, I am not saying throw good manners and common courtesy to the wind; because then we would all just sound like Glenn Beck (but even he gets away with a lot because we all know he is certifiable), but say what you think - and the rest of you deal with it because good ideas can come from a wide range of un-PC ideas.

Point #2 - Plausible Deny-ability. First off, I love that word and use it as often as possible. I also like gangsterism - mainly because I didn't know that was actually a word until today and I really wanted to use it in a sentence. Secondly, deny-ability is crucial to the success to all relationships whether personal, business or otherwise. Now I used to believe in owning up for one's actions, but marriage has a special way of removing that idea from your consciousness. Deny-ability can save you in almost any difficult circumstance, and what's more plausible than lunacy? Why do you think the French never get blamed for anything? "What do you mean we made a controversial ad targeted at gay people? How could we, we're crazy!" Now let's apply this to a more personal experience:

Wife: Did you eat all the ice cream?

Me: No, baby. I know you like Mint Chocolate Chip and I would never do that to you.

Wife: Mitch, the empty carton is in the trash under your desk and there is a spoon next to your computer.

Me: Sweetheart, you know I am way to crazy to be able to pull that stunt. I don't even know where you keep the spoons.

Wife: (Considerable thought) Good point.

Point #3 - The greatest advancements in life are created by the insane, because nobody else is crazy enough to attempt such a stunt. I believe in genius, timing and complete will power are the three main attributes of those successful in life. Whether it be business, family or sports; those characteristics are needed to excel at what you do. But they are nothing unless attached to an obvious crazed obsession to whatever you are pursuing. Example:

Coach: Son, you just snapped your femur. I think its time to hang up the cleats.

Player: No way coach, there's 15min left to play - plus I'll be a senior next year.

Coach: Are you stupid boy? You can't even walk.

Player: No way, coach. I am just crazy about Football.

Coach: Okay, son. What am I going to tell the officials.

Player: Don't worry, coach. Everyone thinks your a nut-case; you got plausable deny-ability!

Coach: Son, that's a level of gangsterism I have never seen in a player. I am proud of you.

See, it totally works. Everyone needs to be a little crazy. Again, I'm not talking like ear-cutting, stick a knife in a socket, dress in woman's clothing on the weekends-crazy. But I think everyone needs to take a step back, relax and go a little crazy this weekend.