Monday, December 8, 2008

Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.

I have now been married for over two weeks now - almost reaching veteran status, right? We are settling into the new digs and I finally got Internet up an running (apparently things like heating and light are more important, but I would call that a matter of perspective) and am finally getting life back to normal.

The Seattle Post Intelligencer reports that George W. Bush is leaving office with an approval rating of 34 percent, the lowest of any U.S. president since Nixon. I find it very hard to believe of the 61% who don't approve, and the 5% who were distracted by a bumblebee or something during the survey really have any idea of what the president does everyday; so how can you approve or disapprove.

Here's my beef: If someone asks me if I approve or President Bush's job in office I will say, "He did some good things and he did some stupid things." But how can you rate someones job when you can't possibly comprehend what the job entails. I concede that the man is no Washington-or whomever you hold on your political pedestal, but he can't possibly be as bad as this 34% survey says. What about these guys:

The Stupid

Thomas Jefferson chose Aaron Burr as his VP, whom then attempted to steal the Presidency and was later tried for treason.

William Harrison lasted a month in the Oval after catching pneumonia shortly after his inauguration.

William "slipping zipper" Clinton and his 'non-sexual' relations with Monica Lewinsky

Political Blunders

James Buchanan did nothing to avert Civil War when signs of contempt began creeping into the country.

Woodrow Wilson refused to compromise on the Treaty of Versailles after World War I.

Richard Nixon's involvement in the Watergate cover-up.

John F. Kennedy allowed the Bay of Pigs Invasion that led to the Cuban Missile Crisis.

GW is not the only one available for sound bytes

"I am convinced that UFOs exist, because I have seen one." -Jimmy Carter (1976)

"Half the time, when I see the evening news, I wouldn't be for me either." -Bill Clinton (1995)

"I just won't get into a pissing contest with that skunk." -Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953 - referring to Sen. Joseph McCarthy)

"So dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time."-Lyndon Johnson (regarding Gerald Ford)

"When the president does it, that means it is not illegal. But I brought myself down. I gave them a sword and they stuck it in and twisted it with relish. And I guess that if I had been in their position, I'd have done the same thing." -Richard Nixon (1977)

"James Bond is a man of honor, a symbol of real value to the free world." -Ronald Reagan

"I don't much care for your law, but, by golly, this bourbon is good." -Harry Truman (to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas)

34 percent? Come on, give the guy a break.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"What Lack I Yet?"

I have decided there are two things in this world that have an enormously detrimental effect on the global society:

1) Apathy
2) Stupidity

I also believe that the latter hinges on the former. If people lose desire to change and grow, intelligence levels will decrease dramatically. The desire to change yourself, or the world around you is powerful enough to drive people to do extraordinary things, the lack of such doesn't seem to cause colossal failure - that would be welcomed. Instead individuals, entire cultures even, seem to rock themselves into an apathetic coma, crippling any possible good that can come from those people.

The lack of intelligence spawns from from apathy. Individuals may be born without knowledge, but all are intelligent. Intelligence is something inherently present in all, and is something that must be lost, or willfully given away; that's when scary things happen. I believe all evil is a result in a lack of intelligence. Everything bad that has ever happened (that I can think of) can be traced to a single action, I believe, committed without intelligence.

Don't lose desire - it's the bottleneck that leads to the downfall of all that is good.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Everyone wants on the wagon.

Reuters reports that Cuba's former leader Fidel Castro said on Thursday his country could talk to U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, in Havana's latest overture to the incoming Democratic administration in Washington.
His remarks followed comments from his brother, President Raul Castro, who told a U.S. magazine he could meet Obama in a "neutral place" to try to end the Communist-run island's four-decade conflict with the United States.

He hasn't even taken office yet and people are already talking. Hmmm.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Russon responds to Chrysler: I DON'T CARE reports that "A top executive of Chrysler LLC cautioned Wednesday that a carmaker collapse could send the economy spiraling into a depression, as the United Auto Workers union braced for contract concessions.
Jim Press, Chrysler's vice chairman, said the U.S. automakers were "down to months left," as industry officials ratcheted up a fierce lobbying push to persuade Congress to approve as much as $34 billion in emergency aid. "

It's too bad no one asked me for a comment. But here is what I would have said if they did:

"And how much do you make a year, sir?"

-Regardless of response:

"You cut every salary of every executive who makes over triple the nation's average and I will consider not hitting you with a Chrysler."

I am cutting every corner just to make rent and buy groceries and you want to tell me that your multi-billion dollar company is hurting and might start a depression?

Let 'em go under.